You don’t have to be a master gardener to grow your own food.

Garden therapy for busy people. Because you deserve to fill up that raised bed with nutritious food for your family without all the guesswork.

It’s time to stop the endless cycle of grocery store shopping and doctors visits.

But right now, the path there feels — a little impossible.

You want to learn everything about the process of creating a non-toxic kitchen filled with home-grown vegetables, herbs, and fruit. You want to know exactly how to use food and plants as medicine to keep yourself and your family out of the doctor’s office.

You want to be hand-held through learning how to grow your own food, source locally, and cook seasonally. You want to incorporate slow food and slow medicine into your household, as soon as humanly possible.

You’re in the right place.

What brings you here?

  • Ever wanted your very own garden but you don’t know where to start? I will help you decide on location, materials, sourcing seeds and plants, planting timing, and ongoing care for your new garden! This package allows you to work with me 1:1 and gain access to all of my grow guides and materials to make your garden a smashing success.

  • Do you have an existing garden that needs a little help? Do you struggle to grow simple vegetables and herbs and are overwhelmed with YouTube and Google suggestions on how to make it work? This package allows you to have a 1:1 troubleshooting consultation with me along with a detailed plan to remediate your garden woes.

  • This course focuses on how to establish your herbal medicine cabinet without breaking the bank at the supplement store.

    *Herbal basics for cold & flu season.

    *Fever theory & remedies.

    *Growing common medicinal herbs, no land required.

    *How to cook with medicinal herbs.

  • If you have more in-depth questions about starting your journey to becoming more independent of modern food and medical systems I am available to you. We will identify what areas you want to focus on with a 1:1 zoom call and an interactive workbook to find what you want to focus on in your own homestead. Get actionable advice on the call and an in-depth analysis/resources delivered in a convenient package for you following our meeting.

*coming soon


I am a former LA food business CEO turned farmer and herbalist, and I’m now your garden therapist on a mission to help you turn your black thumb into a green one.

To be honest, I didn’t know the first thing about growing food or using herbal medicine. When I first started my garden, I literally killed everything I touched. It took me 3 years to get to the point where I was actually growing things that were worth eating because I totally fumbled my way through the process.

I now have years of compiled experience that I both learned in a school setting and hands on via trial and error. That’s why when it comes to teaching people about gardening, I’m all about replacing the “IDK where to start” energy, with badass “I got this” confidence in the kitchen and beyond.

Because I don’t want you to feel like you’re alone without the resources needed to thrive in an uncertain world. I want you to feel like I’m your home-front guru, and my whole job is to make you feel successful and capable to nourish and heal your family.

Did you know: Highly processed foods make up more than 60% of the calories in food we buy.

I’d love to show you a better way, so take your first steps with me toward a healthier more self-sufficient you!